Web Design Essentials 1

Class 4


  • Class 3 Review
  • Basic CSS Properties (contd)
  • CSS Box Model
    • Block vs Inline Elements
    • Box-Sizing Property
    • "CSS Reset"
  • Class 5 Preview
  • Class Feedback and Q&A

Stretch - "Bio" Break

8:00p EST / 7:00p CST / 5:00p PST

CSS Properties (contd)

CSS Color Values

Browsers can accept colors in different ways:

Color name: red
Hexadecimal value: #FF0000
RGB value: rgb(255, 0, 0)
RGBa value: rgb(255, 0, 0, 1)
HSL value hsl(0, 100%, 50%)

CSS Color Names

W3Schools Color Picker

Color Values Demo

Common Size Units

  • Pixels: px
  • Root element font-size: rem
    • Default root font-size: 16px
  • Element font-size: em
  • Percentage: %

CSS Length Data Types (MDN)

Size Units Demo


Web Safe Fonts

  • Fonts that all browsers can display by default
  • They don't have to be loaded into our projects
  • They don't have to be linked from an external source
  • Web safe fonts can be used as "fallbacks" for custom fonts
p {
  font-family: "Times New Roman"; /* Specific font name */
  font-family: serif; /* Generic name */
  font-family: "Arial", sans-serif; /* Comma-separated list */

Web Safe Fonts (W3 School)

Custom Fonts

Two ways to apply custom fonts:

  • Load font files into our project directory, or
  • Link to external font libraries such as Google Fonts

Google Fonts


CSS Box Model

Boxes Everywhere!

Every HTML element on a page is wrapped in a box.

the CSS box model

Image source: complete-concrete-concise.com

Box Model Properties

  • Content: Text, image, form, etc.
  • Padding:The space around the content, or the distance between the content and its borders
  • Border:The wrapper around the content and its padding
  • Margin: The distance between an element and its neighbors

Box Model

Image source: thenewcode.com

Box Model in Developer Tools


Display Flow

Every element has a default flow or way that it renders on the page before any CSS styling is applied. It is either:

  • Stacking on top of another element
  • Side by side with another element

Block and Inline Elements

  • Elements that stack are: Block elements
  • Elements that are side-by-side on the same line are Inline elements

This is also referred to as an element's display property.

Block vs Inline Behavior

  • Block elements start a new line or live on their own line; they take up the full width of their line or their parent container
  • Inline elements don't start a new line and take up only as much space as their content needs

Block Elements

Block-level elements include:

  • Headings (h1, h2, etc)
  • Paragraphs
  • Divs
  • Lists

Block Level Elements (MDN)

Inline Elements

Inline-level elements include:

  • Anchor "a" tags
  • Images
  • Spans

Inline Level Elements (MDN)

The CSS "Display" Property

  • CSS can be used to change an element's default flow or display property
  • A block element can be changed to an inline element and vice versa

The CSS "Display" Property

/* This paragraph element will now be an inline element */
p {
  display: inline;

/* This span element will now be a block element */
span {
  display: block;

Block and Inline Elements


Layout Pitfalls

A few default properties of CSS can lead to unexpected layout behavior. There are two common culprits:

  1. the CSS property box-sizing
  2. Browser defaults


The CSS box-sizing property determines how we calculate the total width and height of an element. It has two values:

/* content-box is the default box-sizing 
   value of all elements */
box-sizing: content-box;

/* border-box will be your layout's best friend! */
box-sizing: border-box;

Layout Tip #1

Set the box-sizing property of all elements in your project to border-box.

/* This declaration will target every element in the project */

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;

Box Sizing


Layout Tip #2

Use CSS resets.

Browser Defaults

  • Most HTML elements have one or more default browser values, that is, they have some basic CSS that influences their appearance on a page
  • Some of these defaults can throw off our page layout; others may not be needed

Resetting CSS

  • A "CSS Reset" stylesheet is one way to remove some of these defaults globally in our project
  • In this stylesheet, we are writing new CSS values to overwrite the browser defaults

CSS Resets

You can create your own reset rules or use any number of well-known reset stylesheets such as:

Two Ways to Reset

  1. Add a separate reset.css stylesheet to your project with the link tag in the head section of your HTML page
    • Make sure the link comes before the project's stylesheet link
  2. Include/Import the new CSS rules at the top of your project's stylesheet

CSS Reset


Home Practice

  1. Continue refining your page markup
  2. Continue styling with CSS properties we've covered and/or other properties you look up!
  3. Add custom font(s) from Google Fonts
  4. Optional: Share your layout sketch and markup with me:
    • Image link to your sketch
    • Your REPL project link

Class 5 - Agenda

  • CSS Box Model (contd)
  • CSS Combinators & Pseudo-Classes
  • Working with Images
  • Responsive Web Design
    • Media Queries


Class Feedback


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